Times Internet, the digital arm of The Times Group, is India's leading digital products company with diversified businesses and has over 38 brands, with 270 million unique visitors a month, and 21.4 billion page views. Established in 1999, Times Internet has been instrumental in transforming India's digital landscape and has products that inform, entertain, and enable users globally. It has been built on a strong foundation and value system inherited from Bennett & Coleman. Times Internet is at a vantage point to revolutionize the digital ecosystem with its thriving brands, businesses, and global partnerships. The Economic Times business vertical (ET B2B) team, under the aegis of its parent company Times Internet Limited, has been pursuing cutting-edge work in the B2B space through its industry-focused content, online news publishing, curated events, and conferences. Some of the popular properties managed are ETAuto, ETCIO, ETTelecom, ETRealty, ETMasterclass, and many more.
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